Light Net

Light Net is the first of its kind experiential platform and knowledge bank focused on miracles, consciousness and unconventional ways of doing things. We are like Gaia TV, but instead of watching you get to try it out in real life.

Quantum physicists are now saying that consciousness is fundamental. That it is more fundamental than matter. Our physical world somehow emerges from consciousness.

Want to see a UFO, bend a spoon with your mind, figure out your purpose, talk to a relative who has passed or heal yourself from health concern or addiction? Join a small group of 8 with a guide and start to experiment and share your wisdom and wins as you sift through and build a database of ranked methods, videos, music, articles and more.

If the power in prior times was about wealth and military might, this new time it is about knowledge. Can we place our most important and mind blowing knowledge in an open data commons for humanity to accelerate a global renaissance?

Light Net is organized into three sections. Jedi labs, healing and finding your purpose. Curiosity labs are booted up after 100 pioneers have been located who have created the breakthrough miracle in their lives. Those pioneers map their methods and bank their resources and we look for patterns. They create the 100th monkey effect and belief change through viral stories which invite others to jump into small groups of eight to join and expand the pods.

Together we can leave behind collective wisdom that can explode our current perspective of reality, delivering data, enjoyment, and new knowledge for the benefit of all humanity.

Light Net is the place where science and spirituality meet. Where digital technology and human technology merge and where the tens of millions of people around the world become more awake and aware as they experiment, meet, learn, unlearn and play together. We know a lot about the physical world, now it’s time to chart the unseen. 

We are building the open-data map and gas pedal for the biggest paradigm shift the world has ever known.   Unleashing consciousness requires that we steward new collective-intelligence tools. Light Net is pioneering a P2P knowledge tree, a tokenized reward marketplace and an open data commons that can take this grand experiment into 2022 and beyond. 

Our freemium model allows you to browse the fastest, cheapest, and funnest way to have your own breakthrough experience which can lead to the magic carpet ride.