TriPle SMART LABS is an Innovation Lab - Network
We are an innovation hub with a new vision for citizen driven science (or in academic speak – human centered design). In this future, we put the end user, where they belong, in the driver’s seat.
We assemble, sort and analyze humanity’s Plan A. We then empower individual contributors to design and test drive our future.
We value efficiency and transparency, which is why our labs are based on shared hardware and shared results.
We are squarely moving away from a one-size-fits all world and into a world of self actualization, hyper personalization, and renaissance thinking.
We believe in making an all-access research platform, hardware share lab and think tank map for the future, real. We are started with node #1 – Cordoba, Argentina in November 2018 and we are now launching node #2 in Venice, CA at the Feminine Intelligence HQ.
Triple Smart Labs focuses on low cost, high value research using the following methodology:
Sharing hardware and software within existing organizations who have strong communities, such as universities, companies, co-working spaces, community spaces, art galleries etc. Unlike a traditional maker space model, this configuration helps to mix cutting edge technology with powerful purpose and “why”.
Successful experiments (and the hardware associated) can then be rotated to a new organization to continue gathering data, depth and momentum.
Donors can track the hardware they have contributed and the number of times it has been used. For example a single research grade Muse headset which is valued at $250 might get used by 100 people in 3 months.
Infrastructure to allow individuals to request hardware or other types of support (space, money, people, expertise, software) via a wishlist based on their purpose and proposed experiments.
In winter of 2018, Triple Smart Labs took brain sensing headbands, podcasting gear, virtual reality headsets and electrophotonic imaging equipment to share in Cordoba, Argentina.
Meet the researchers incubating the labs within Cordoba.
Zenka is a futurist. She specializes in metaverse architecture and future gap strategy. Zenka has experience running companies, managing teams, consulting business on exponential change and frontier technology.
ANDRÉS Borella
Andrés Borella is leading the Triple Smart Labs project from Cordoba, Argentina. He is has a degree in Business administrations and teaches at the National University of Cordoba. He also recieved top honors at MIT for his work in logistics and supply chain management.
Walter C. Krainbuhl
Walter is a psicologist, psychotherapist and experimental psicology researcher. He works as a researcher at the School of Psychology at the National University of Cordoba.
Mariquita Quiroga
Mariquita Quiroga is a community leader and well known fine artist in Argentina. She specializes in social impact collaborative murals, street art, print making, and sculpture.
Fabian Arias
Fabian Arias is a futurist specializing in strategy for collaborative systems. He is currently at University Siglo 21 getting his degree in computer science.
Romina is a future forward educator focused on researching new models for early childhood education and engagement. She works with experimental methodology that seek to build curiosity and whole child interactions.