Stack Cast
Stack Cast: Engaging the people and ideas changing the world in bite sized pieces, together.
We take on the mysterious paradigm shifts changing the world - in bite sized pieces, together.
This is an experiment in the future of Co-Casting and hive intelligence. We invite you to interview incredible thinkers redefining what is possible. Together we stack the episodes - based on topics such as neuroscience, consciousness or augmented reality.
We know the future will be made up of computers helping us do bits of work and fun together in perfect coordination, but the details are not all that clear and the hurdles abound.
In this ruckus experiment we are taking the simple podcast format and seeing what happens when we try to do it together, in strings, as batons and as single questions.
If you are a creator and have always wanted to have a podcast but didn’t want to commit to a weekly schedule, focus on a single topic, or go through the hurdles of publishing and promoting, come and join the experiment at
View Proposed Episodes
View Wishlist
Have you been dying to interview someone? Co-create with us.
Case for CO-Creation
In a future of exponential change and fast change, we hope to provide shared tools that will encourage us to become life long learners and even co-researchers along the lines of our passion. The project empowers people to create content they love, intersect with heroes, and share passion with the world.
What type of "collaborative plumbing" and co-creation tools do we need to leverage our collective intelligence and bring ease and value to individual efforts?
What onboarding system will be needed to get people from idea to publishing their first interview into the stack? What can we automate?
What is the future of podcasting in virtual reality?
What is the future of personalized playlists, based on machine learning and new ways to simplify and contextualize data. How can we visualize bigger data sets and customized playlists generated for each listener?
Project Schedule
Summer/Fall - 2018 - Incubation
The twelve kick-off episodes of the experiment are being recorded under the genre umbrella "Pronoia" and will consist of 12 interviews with people who are using new ideas to rethink the possible.
Winter 2018 - Triple Smart Labs
Stack Cast is also tied to physical podcasting hardware we will be crowd funding and taking to Cordoba, Argentina in November in 2018. Donors can track the hardware they donated to see what podcasts have been recorded during the life of the hardware.
The seed project of the stackable audio podcast eventually can grow to stack content across multiple topics and media types (including written stories and augmented reality). Anyone can start a genre or topic clusters such as (#Neuroscience, #FutureOfVacation #PersuasiveReality #Meditation etc.)
Project Participants: Jason Berger (lead), Zenka (problem solver, armchair scientists), Jenny Mills (graphic artist) and Andres Borella (Argentinian lead). If you would like to join the team, let us know.